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Nightwish-Fishmaster - Komentáre



co znamena text tejto pesnicky? LOL Kategória: Hudba a tanec | Pridal: varta | Zobrazení: 3526


0 - 12

NightAngel87 | 22:03, 8. august 2008
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tuto pesnicku milujem:)..ale aj ten pozmeneny text sa mi paci:D:D
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domie | 15:45, 3. júl 2008
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nightwish je super ale toto video... no lol :D
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opondropo | 10:53, 30. december 2007
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preco to tak zosmesnili
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chrenik7 | 13:47, 15. december 2007
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Master! Apprentice! Heartborne, 7th Seeker Warrior! Disciple! In me the​Wishmaster Elbereth Lorien A dreamy-eyed child staring into night On a​journey to storyteller's mind Whispers a wish speaks with the stars the words are​silent in him Distant sigh from a lonely heart "I'll be with you soon, my​Shalafi" Grey Havens my destiny Master!... Silvara Starbreeze Sla-Mori the​one known only by Him To august realms, the sorcery within If you hear the call of​arcane lore, your world shall rest on Earth no more A maiden elf calling with her​cunning song "Meet me at the Inn of Last Home" Heartborne will find the​way! Master!... Wishmaster Crusade for Your will A child, dreamfinder The​Apprentice becoming... Master!... 7. Bare Grace Misery Sweet boy, come​in I am the dark side of you Die for my sins Like the One once did Cinnamon​bed For your unashamed appetite A figurante This dance will hurt like hell Oh,​bare grace misery Just a child without a fairytale am I Dark but so lovely A​Little Match Girl freezing in the snow Love lying, enticing (Bare grace​misery) Crowning the moment (Bare grace misery) This is what I am Bare grace for​the end of days Romantic scent Spoiled Lucrece lies warm for you There's no such​priest That can pray me to heaven When done with me Forget if you think I feel​ashamed A wild thing Never felt sorry for anything Love lying... tak toto je​pravy text,ja som fanusik nightwishu takze toto video je podla mna velmi trapne
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DeviantPoet | 19:09, 22. november 2007
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Toto je jasný Nightwish ľudia kua !!! šak Metallica to spieva chlap a toto je​Tarja :D
Vaša odpoveď
LochNesse | 10:47, 15. august 2007
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to je od nightwish a nie od metallici :D bosheee :D
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WILDEWALDER | 22:32, 4. august 2007
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hafina tak isto
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Hafinka | 15:08, 3. jún 2007
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No akoze som sa dost narehotala xD ROFL ale NW mam velmi rada takze by som tomu kto​toto video robil najradsej struhla ale s rehotom :D
Vaša odpoveď
Aleksi | 10:59, 17. marec 2007
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to je od Nightwish......!!!!!!
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Aleksi | 10:57, 17. marec 2007
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to kto napísal nazov Metallica?
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varta | 16:48, 13. marec 2007
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matus18 | 18:34, 27. február 2007
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hej metallica, ani precitat nevies
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Meno a heslo
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