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Europe National Anthem - Komentáre

Europe National Anthem

Europe National Anthem

Hymnus Latinus Europae Est Europa nunc unita et unita maneat; una in diversitate pacem mundi augeat. Semper regant in Europa fides et iustitia et libertas populorum in maiore patria. Cives, floreat Europa, opus magnum vocat vos. Stellae signa sunt in caelo aureae, quae iungant nos. English Europe is united now United it may remain; Our unity in diversity May contribute to world peace. May there forever reign in Europe Faith and justice And freedom for its people In a greater motherland Citizens, Europe shall flourish, A great task calls on you. Golden stars in the sky are The symbols that shall unite us. Kategória: Ľudia a príbehy | Pridal: RAZIEL | Zobrazení: 5152


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RAZIEL | 00:52, 28. september 2009
Počet hodnotení 0   + -
Nyní je Evropa jednotná a jednotná zůstane; jedna v rozmanitosti mír v světě​rozmnožuje. Navždy vládne v Evropě důvěra a spravedlnost a svoboda lidu ve​větší vlasti. Občané, vzkvétá Evropa, veliké dílo nás volá. Hvězdy na​nebi jsou znamením zlatým, jenž nás spojuje.
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RAZIEL | 17:54, 27. máj 2009
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Hymnus Latinus Europae Est Europa nunc unita et unita maneat; una in​diversitate pacem mundi augeat. Semper regant in Europa fides et iustitia et​libertas populorum in maiore patria. Cives, floreat Europa, opus magnum vocat​vos. Stellae signa sunt in caelo aureae, quae iungant nos.
Vaša odpoveď
RAZIEL | 17:53, 27. máj 2009
Počet hodnotení 0   + -
Europe is united now United it may remain; Our unity in diversity May contribute to​world peace. May there forever reign in Europe Faith and justice And freedom for its​people In a greater motherland Citizens, Europe shall flourish, A great task calls​on you. Golden stars in the sky are The symbols that shall unite us.
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