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I and people from me heart! - Komentáre

I and people from me heart!

I and people from me heart!

Strašne moc vas loobim a toto je pre vas kissss Kategória: Ľudia a príbehy | Pridal: crazyheart | Zobrazení: 1412


0 - 1

ije4love | 00:15, 8. január 2009
Počet hodnotení 0   + -
Hello My name is angela,i saw your profile today and became intrested in you,i​will like to know you more,and if you can send a mail to my email address,i will​give you my pictures,here is my email​address(angelamabou777@yahoo.com)remember,distance age or colour does not matter but​love matters a lot in life i believe we can move from from here, please reply me in​my mail box not in this site,am waithing for your mail... ​...Angela...(angelamabou777@yahoo.com)
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